Congratulations on completing the first section of our onboarding process! By now your IMC Professional Driver Services email account and Grasshopper VOIP phone service have been set up. We have sent an email to the address you used at registration inviting you to log in to your new IMC Professional Driver Services account. Once you get logged in there, all further communications will be through your new IMC Professional Driver Services email account. We will also send an email with your new email signature, which will include your Grasshopper VOIP extension number.
Now that your email account has been set up, you will have access to the Recruiters Book and our proprietary Real-time Job Mapping & Data Management System. The next section of the onboarding program will help familiarize you with the Recruiters Book, which is a Google Sheet where you can find a complete list of all the carriers and jobs for which we’re currently actively recruiting, and our proprietary Real-time Job Mapping & Data Management System, which has all our open jobs and drivers mapped out, with hiring areas and all the other relevant information for each job.